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The Si3 Institute is pleased to announce its 2025 strategic plan, which includes hosting an Annual Conference, publishing Annual Reports, and organizing a Seminar SeriesLearn more about the Si3 Institute’s business developments and expanded coverage in West Africa and North America by 2025.

​UNICEF and WFP Global Impact Evaluation Forum 2024 at the United Nations, New York, United States

We are honored to participate in the UNICEF and WFP Global Impact Evaluation Forum 2024 at the United Nations, held under the theme “Experimenting, Learning, and Scaling up What Works in a Fragile World, 2–5 December 2024 in New York." At the forum, the Social Innovation and Impact Institute (Si3) shared insights from our work designing and implementing resilience-building initiatives across Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Rwanda.

Si3 remains committed to meaningful engagement and driving impactful solutions for a more resilient world.
See the lists of participating organizations here.

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2024 UNICEF and WFP Global Impact Evaluation Forum.jpg

An innovative research paper on the Socioeconomic burden of trypanosomiasis: Evidence from crop and livestock production in Ethiopia has been published by Zewdu Abro, Gebeyehu Manie Fetene, Menale Kassie, Tigist Mekonnen Melesse in the Journal of Agricultural Economics.

The study examines the impact of trypanosomiasis on crop-livestock production, economic loss and poverty in Ethiopia. The study uses unique panel data to estimate how the disease affects livestock deaths, production costs and crop production. These estimates were then used to evaluate the disease's total economic loss and its implications on poverty in the study districts and the country. Estimates of the fixed effect regression models indicate that trypanosomiasis increases the value of livestock deaths by 33% and production costs by 63%.

Crop production decreases by 14% when trypanosomiasis and oxen death coexist. The study estimates that the direct economic loss is about US$58,300 per annum in the study districts. The estimated countrywide economic loss is about US$94 million per annum. Had the government prevented this economic loss and invested it in social protection programmers, it could have lifted about 9000 people in the study districts and about 200,000 people in the country above the national poverty line per annum. The findings in general indicate that trypanosomiasis remains a major production constraint. Controlling the disease appears to be pro-poor, calling for more policy attention.

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