Currently, the share of companies in Africa and the EU combined account for only 5% of the total value of global digital platforms, compared to the United States (67%) and Asia (29%).
The EU is active in supporting the AU in developing policies related to emerging technologies such as digital identification, data governance and cybersecurity through the Policy and Regulation Initiative for Digital Africa. However, Africa needs a more co-ordinated approach to implementing cybersecurity and personal data protection; for instance, only 13 out of 55 countries have ratified the AU’s Malabo Convention on Cybersecurity and Personal Data Protection since it was adopted in 2014. Achieving the goal set by this convention—and against a backdrop of ambitious African policy goals under the AU’s Agenda 2063—it would better for African leaders to engage in a little more “policydoing” rather than too much policymaking.
Read the Original Article on the OECD Forum Network.